
来源:网络 作者:背阳草ゝ 0



GreenLuma和MP 下载:http://dl.dbank.com/c0tsrmbn00第二版联机补丁 下载:http://dl.dbank.com/c0089ccc5z


1 .Install the game2.copy the crack file,s that came with the game,to the game folder!3.copy "PAYDAY MP CRACK" to game folder "link below"4. Open steam_rld.ini in the game folder, change appid to 55130 and modify your username, if you don't have a steam_rld.ini you can skip this step INSTALL STEAM

it is a good idea to create a new account for steamAfter you create a New accountSave log on info IMPORTANT! "TURN STEAM completely OFF"! PLEASE!!!!!!

COpy all green luma files to steam folder

1. Start Steam using GreenLuma.exe

2. Start game go to multiplayer, click "G" to refresh list!